The effects of two different pitching frequencies (that is, Strouhal number, St) on the wake structure generated by two foils of aspect ratio 1.0 are examined numerically at a Reynolds number of 10,000. Strouhal numbers of 0.5 and 0.2 were studied, the first corresponding approximately to the peak in efficiency and the second corresponding to the point where the thrust is equal to the drag (the free-swimming condition). The two foils have either a square trailing edge or a convex trailing edge that mimics the shape of the caudal fin exhibited by certain species of fish. In previous works, the convex trailing edge panel was found to have higher thrust and efficiency compared with the square panel trailing edge. Here, these differences are related to their characteristic vortex formation and detachment processes leading to differences in wake coherence and extension. The wake of the square panel at St = 0.2 transitions slowly from a reverse von Kármán street (2S) pattern to a paired (2P) system as the wake develops downstream, whereas at St = 0.5, the wake almost immediately takes on a 2P form with an attendant split in the wake structure. For the convex panel, the transition from a 2S to a 2P structure at St = 0.2 is slower than that seen for the square panel, and for St = 0.5, the wake undergoes an abrupt transition leading to two distinct vortex streets that evolve at a considerably slower rate than seen for the square panel.