In this technical brief we report the results of a systematic numerical investigation of developing laminar flow in axisymmetric concentric annuli over a wide range of radius ratio and Reynolds number . When the annular gap is used as the characteristic length scale we find that for radius ratios greater than 0.5 the development length collapses to the channel-flow correlation. For lower values of radius ratio the wall curvature plays an increasingly important role and the development length remains a function of both radius ratio and Reynolds number. Finally we show that the use of an empirical modified length scale to normalize both the development length and the characteristic length scale in the Reynolds number collapses all of the data onto the channel-flow correlation regardless of the radius ratio.
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June 2010
Technical Briefs
Development-Length Requirements for Fully Developed Laminar Flow in Concentric Annuli
R. J. Poole
R. J. Poole
Department of Engineering,
University of Liverpool
, Brownlow Street, Liverpool L69 3GH, UK
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R. J. Poole
Department of Engineering,
University of Liverpool
, Brownlow Street, Liverpool L69 3GH, UKe-mail:
J. Fluids Eng. Jun 2010, 132(6): 064501 (4 pages)
Published Online: June 11, 2010
Article history
June 10, 2009
April 28, 2010
June 11, 2010
June 11, 2010
Poole, R. J. (June 11, 2010). "Development-Length Requirements for Fully Developed Laminar Flow in Concentric Annuli." ASME. J. Fluids Eng. June 2010; 132(6): 064501.
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