The unsteady heat transfer measurements about a transonic turbine blade at engine representative Mach and Reynolds numbers are presented. High density, fast-response thin film gauges are employed at the midheight streamline. A description of the novel development of gold gauges together with a brief overview of their calibration and signal processing is presented. Detailed time and phase-averaged measurements have been obtained, providing insight into the role of upstream nozzle guide vane (NGV) wakes and shock features. These heat transfer results compliment recent fast-response aerodynamic results on this and similar transonic profiles, which highlight the dominance of the upstream vane-rotor interaction over convected wake segments, particularly in light of unsteady turbine blade loading. From a heat transfer standpoint, however, while the periodic shock events contributed to abrupt, localized heat transfer enhancements, the influence of NGV wake segments on the boundary layer could not be discounted when duration of unsteadiness was considered.