Bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) are a series of metal alloys with an amorphous structure. The deformation of BMGs occurs in localized regions and is highly sensitive to the applied stress, strain rate, and temperature. This paper presents a coupled thermomechanical model to analyze the chip segmentation mechanism due to material shear localization in orthogonal cutting of Zr-BMG. The shear stress variation in the primary shear zone is modeled considering the tool-chip friction and large strain of the material. The constitutive property of BMG corresponding to the inhomogeneous deformation through shear transformation zones is modeled. The oscillations of shear stress, temperature, and free volume are simulated based on the cutting conditions. The predicted chip segmentation frequency is compared with the experimental result under different cutting speeds and uncut chip thicknesses. The developed model provides the fundamental mechanism of material deformation and chip formation in cutting Zr-BMG with an amorphous structure.