
In 1995 hurricanes Opal and Roxanne passed through Bay of Campeche (BOC). Opal did not cause any noticeable damage. Roxanne, on the other hand, was the most severe hurricane recorded in the Bay of Campeche in this century. Its anomalous behavior and the resulting extreme environmental conditions did considerable damage. PEMEX implemented a rapid repair program and was able to bring tile production back to its normal levels within two months. Subsequently, PEMEX, jointly with Instituto Mexicano del Petro´leo (IMP), launched an extensive program to inspect, assess, and repair the facilities. Results of the initial assessments indicated that the assessment parameters, as well as the metocean criteria utilized, were not suitable for Bay of Campeche. A detailed risk study considering the site-specific conditions and requirements was performed. Utilizing probability-based risk assessment techniques, a new criteria, known as the “transitory criteria,” was developed. The transitory criteria was then used to reassess the platforms and pipelines in the southwest marine region of BOC. Critically damaged platforms were identified for repair. The scope of repairs included jacket structural members and support framing for deck facilities. An overview of various techniques used for repairs of the underwater jacket structural members and joints is given. Different underwater repair methods are discussed. Repairs of both jacket and deck damages caused by hurricane Roxanne are presented as examples. The repair methods used are based on currently available technology and they will provide practical examples for economical platform repair in shallow, warm water environments. [S0892-7219(00)01101-8]

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