Three-dimensional elastic-plastic rolling contact stress analysis was conducted incorporating elastic and plastic shakedown concepts. The Hertzian distribution was assumed for the normal surface contact load over a circular contact area. The tangential forces in both the rolling and lateral directions were considered and were assumed to be proportional to the Hertzian pressure. The elastic and plastic shakedown limits obtained for the three-dimensional contact problem revealed the role of both longitudinal and lateral shear traction on the shakedown results. An advanced cyclic plasticity model was implemented into a finite element code via the material subroutine. Finite element simulations were conducted to study the influences of the tangential surface forces in the two shear directions on residual stresses and residual strains. For all the cases simulated, the ratio is the maximum Hertzian pressure and k is the yield stress in shear) was 6.0. The ratio, where is the total tangential force on the contact surface in the rolling direction and P is the total normal surface pressure, ranged from 0 to 0.6. The ratio is the total tangential force in the lateral direction) was either zero or 0.25. Residual stresses increase with increasing rolling passes but tend to stabilize. Residual strains also increase but the increase in residual strain per rolling pass (ratchetting rate) decays with rolling cycles. Residual stress levels can be as high as 2k when the ratio is 0.6. Local accumulated shear strains can exceed 20 times the yield strain in shear after six rolling passes under extreme conditions. Comparisons of the two-dimensional and three-dimensional rolling contact results were provided to elucidate the differences in residual stresses and ratchetting strain predictions.
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October 2002
Technical Papers
Three-Dimensional Elastic-Plastic Stress Analysis of Rolling Contact
Yanyao Jiang, Assoc. Prof., Mem. ASME,
Yanyao Jiang, Assoc. Prof., Mem. ASME
University of Nevada, Department of Mechanical Engineering (312), Reno, NV 89557
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Biqiang Xu, Research Fellow,
Biqiang Xu, Research Fellow
University of Nevada, Department of Mechanical Engineering (312), Reno, NV 89557
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Huseyin Sehitoglu, Grayce Wicall Gauthier Professor
Huseyin Sehitoglu, Grayce Wicall Gauthier Professor
University of Illionois, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Urbana, IL 61801
Search for other works by this author on:
Yanyao Jiang, Assoc. Prof., Mem. ASME
University of Nevada, Department of Mechanical Engineering (312), Reno, NV 89557
Biqiang Xu, Research Fellow
University of Nevada, Department of Mechanical Engineering (312), Reno, NV 89557
Huseyin Sehitoglu, Grayce Wicall Gauthier Professor
University of Illionois, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Urbana, IL 61801
Contributed by the Tribology Division for publication in the ASME JOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY. Manuscript received by the Tribology Division April 19, 2001; revised manuscript received April 3, 2002. Associate Editor: C. H. Venner.
J. Tribol. Oct 2002, 124(4): 699-708 (10 pages)
Published Online: September 24, 2002
Article history
April 19, 2001
April 3, 2002
September 24, 2002
Jiang, Y., Xu, B., and Sehitoglu, H. (September 24, 2002). "Three-Dimensional Elastic-Plastic Stress Analysis of Rolling Contact ." ASME. J. Tribol. October 2002; 124(4): 699–708.
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