Fig. 7
Density distribution after a laser scan at (a) D = 4 mm and v = 30 mm/s, and (b) D = 12 mm and v = 10 mm/s. The initial density is 100%. At both conditions, the foam core densified as postulated by the MTGM. At D = 4 mm, the densification has a higher magnitude but occurs more locally. At D = 12 mm, densification occurs over a much greater area, allowing for a more efficient deformation at large bending angles. A deformation scaling factor of 5 was used. Half of the specimen is shown due to symmetry.

Density distribution after a laser scan at (a) D = 4 mm and v = 30 mm/s, and (b) D = 12 mm and v = 10 mm/s. The initial density is 100%. At both conditions, the foam core densified as postulated by the MTGM. At D = 4 mm, the densification has a higher magnitude but occurs more locally. At D = 12 mm, densification occurs over a much greater area, allowing for a more efficient deformation at large bending angles. A deformation scaling factor of 5 was used. Half of the specimen is shown due to symmetry.

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